And haven't blogged in almost 2 months. Really not good.
My goal for this week will be to blog at least every other day :D.
The thing that's been eating up all my time recently has been getting back to school/choosing courses/thesis (I have to write one! Urgh!) and law school applications.
I'm taking social psych, intro to microecon, game theory (which is hard! But I feel like I'm learning a lot) and history of photography.
I'm not sure if I've talked about this, but I'm applying to (US) law school(s) at the moment, to start next year. I wanted to go straight from University to law school, because if I start working I don't think I'd be able to get myself back into the "school" frame of mind. Anyway, I have a bit of a difficult situation because my GPA is mediocre (3.3 ish. Which is good, but when places have a mean GPA of 3.9 for accepted students...), but my LSAT (the standardized test you have to take) is good. So, it's even more impossible than normal for me to have any idea about my chances at a particular school. (Also, they're not due until February or something, but they have rolling admissions so it's seriously advantageous to apply early.)
I'm probably going to end up applying to 12-15 in the US (which I know is totally ridiculous. I was advised to apply to 10-12, but I'm risk-averse and I'm so unsure about my chances of getting into these various schools). I'm going to be applying to one early. If I get in, it's binding. I'll find out 15 days from when I submit the application (which will probably be this week or next week). Anyway, all pretty nerve wracking!
With regards to being healthy etc, I have been AWFUL about going to the gym. I just haven't gone in so long, mostly because I've been so busy with law school apps. I did have a bit of a wake up call over the weekend though - I started getting ill (not with anything serious, just a cold/flu), but I realised that I'm going to be much less productive if I get ill. (And I'm pretty sure that the reason I started to get ill was from eating too much sugar and not looking after myself well enough).
Anyway, I promise more updates this week!