1. Lose weight (10 lbs) and get back into the habit of regular exercise. (6/30)
2. Go raw for 48 hours
3. Bench press my own weight (130 lbs)
4. Be able to do 5 consecutive chinups
5. Be able to do 20 consecutive push ups
6. Run 5 K in 25 minutes or less
7. Make an active effort to eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables/day
7. Make an active effort to eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables/day
Skills I want to learn
1. Learn Dvorak (a new keyboard style, it's meant to be faster and reduces repetitive strain injury) (6/30 in the process of learning it! I've switched my work and home keyboards over)
2. Learn to speed read
3. Get better at remembering people's names
4. Learn how to drive a car in the US
5. Learn how to make an effective/reasonable budget
6. Continue to learn Cantonese, so that I can communicate with Nicolas' family, especially his grandmother
7. Enhance my basic knowledge of geography/the rest of the world
8. Become more photogenic
9. Become more confident and less shy
10. Learn how to use google better
11. Learn how to communicate and negotiate better
2. Upgrade my wardrobe and find a style I love
3. Improve/fix my posture
3. Improve/fix my posture
Things to Read
1. Read law school prep books (by August 15th, 2012)
2. Read (& absorb) a book on formal etiquette
3. Read 10 of the books on this list: [Mostly self-improvement] (1 - Getting Things Done, 2 - Siddathara, 3 - The Power of Full Engagement, 4 - 1984, 5 - The Four Hour Workweek)
1. Maintain my relationship with the boyfriend
2. Forgive people who have hurt me in the past
3. Talk to my grandmother once a week
1. Meditate (or sit silently) for 5 minutes/day (I've been doing it before bed every night and its amazing)
2. Become an early riser
3. Send 52 letter/pieces of post this year [Goal from the beginning of this year] (6 11 13 15 17 23 32 letters down)
4. Post a song that I feel sums up my day on my blog
6. Get a photograph selected in a competition (e.g. the BBC "Your Pictures" Section)
8. Make a list of my (100+) favourite songs
9. Make a list of my life "tenets"
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