Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The rest of the boyfriends visit

The rest of the boyfriends visit was amazing! We had so much fun together and cooked three very delicious dinners. My boss was super chill about giving me some time off, so that the boyfriend and I could spend some time together (and my other boss gave us a mini tour of Seattle, which was awesome!).

We didn't actually do that all much exciting stuff (the boyfriend really isn't one for sight seeing), but it was amazing to spend some time together. We did go for a walk around Greenlake (a lake near where I live), which was gorgeous and a lot of fun.

So, onto the yummy dinners:

Sunday - homemade bolognese sauce on pasta (this is the boyfriends go-to dinner. Unfortunately I didn't get any pics :( )

Monday - pea and mint "soup" with teriakyi chicken. Both of these were absolutely delicious and will certainly be added to my repetoire!

Peas (we used about 0.5lbs for two really big servings)
Chicken stock
Chopped fresh mint leaves

We first cooked the peas in boiling water (we didn't cook them enough, would have been better to cook them until they were starting to get really mushy). We then dumped out the boiling water and added chicken stock (diluted with water so it wasn't too salty, I imagine any kind of stock would work) and the chopped mint. We then just let it simmer away while we mushed up the peas fully. It ended up being a very thick soup!

In the making

The final product

Teriakyi Chicken

Chicken breasts
Soy Vey Teriakyi sauce (or any kind of sauce, I just like this one).

I'm not too great at cooking (especially meat/poultry), but I really liked how the boyfriend did these. They turned out really moist. He...marinated the raw chicken for about 30 mins, cooked it on a fairly high heat to get the outside of each breast cooked for a few mins and then added the rest of the marinade and let it simmer away in that (and then obviously checked that it was cooked!).

In the making
The final product


The boyfriend is part asian and has been promising to make me asian food for a very long time, so he made chicken spring roll-esque things and chicken/pea leaves soup.

Cooked chicken
Pea leaves (spinach or other greens work too)
Chicken stock
Chopped ginger root (I used a piece about the size of a pingpong ball for the two of us)
2 stems of lemongrass (chopped)

We let the stock, ginger and lemongrass simmer together for about 15 mins. We then added the chicken and pea leaves. In retrospect we should have strained out the ginger and lemongrass (especially the lemongrass) before we added the greens and chicken, as lemongrass has a really woody texture.

Spring-roll-y things

These weren't really spring rolls at all (they had much softer shells), but they were still really good. I'm not quite sure how the boyfriend made the filling, but you could put anything in them. To get the "shells" to cooperate you need to stick them (one at a time) into boiling/hot water (I liked using fairly hot but not boiling water). After about 30 seconds (depending on how hot the water is) they'll start to curl at the edges, and that means they're "done". Fish them out, flatten them out on a plate, add some filling and roll!

I also had these for lunch two days later and they were pretty good!

That was a long post (we ate a lot!). 

Spring roll esque things!


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