So, I realised that I talk about lab on my blog a lot and I've never put up any pictures of it. So, I thought I'd put up a few pictures so you guys know where I spend half my life! I was there this afternoon and super late tonight (till past midnight :( ). I have a super annoying 10 hour reaction that I have to run, so I end up going in late and night and then early again the next morning.
Anyway, onto pictures!
X Ray machine with my compound x-raying. We use x ray diffraction to work out what we've just made!
Furnace room. (We make all our samples by cooking them...shake and bake chemistry!)
Photograph of lab as a whole
My super messy lab bench (complete with the huge white column down the middle and cupboard below that won't close)
Lab coats. So attractive! Blue/grey is such an unattractive colour on me.
My "fake" notebook. I have a proper (red) lab book, but I also have this one for some unknown reason.
In other news I got my economics grade - A-. I'm pleased with it (I would have loved an A), but I'm pleased that I got an A range grade (instead of the B+ I was worried about).
PS I have my meeting my my lab professor tomorrow (at 3). I'm super nervous about it, so wish me luck!
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