Good news: I finished the first draft of my first chapter of my thesis, which was my goal for this week! I may try to take a quick look through it before bed, but at least I've achieved my goal for this week! My goals for next week are:
Talk to my advisor about my thesis (I haven't actually talked to him about the actual written thing I need to hand in yet)
Come up with an overview plan (chapter titles) with my advisor/get them approved by him
Run through my first draft of my first chapter and at least get something fully written (at the moment there are some blank spots that I need to fill in)
Write one more (compound) chapter
My day has been verrrrry boring - really just writing my thesis. The major highlight was: Mung Bean Hummus!
I have loads of mung beans (and I'm trying to use things up/clear up my room) and I wanted to see if I could make a healthier version of hummus.
I used:
Mung Beans
Lemon juice
Canola oil (we didn't have any olive oil)

I mixed everything up with our blender. It turned out like:
(My old camera is terrible! Everything keeps coming out blurry :( )
It was pretty good. A little "thick", I think next time I'm going to put in more lemon juice (and more garlic - I love garlic in my food!)
In other big semester starts tomorrow!! I'm excited, sad (my last semester) and also nervous. I'll let you know how it goes!
Thesis writing can really be tedious, so it would be good to have alternative things to do, like the Mung Bean Hummus! It would be a thesis help desk so that you would take you mind of thesis writing and relieve from the stress caused by it. Anyway, what happened to your thesis? I hope everything went well with it.