Monday, June 25, 2012

Gym plans

I went to spinning class today, which was a lot of fun! I'm still working on my technique, so I don't think I'm getting the most out of it yet. The teacher recommended a different bike, which has finer gradations, and will hopefully let me work out more effectively.

Anyway, onto the goals:
1. Meet heart rate monitor fitness goals every week - done
2. Run 5K in 27 minutes - didn't make much progress on it this last week, but I did run 1.7 miles (2.7 km)
3. 20 consecutive good form push ups - my goal is to do two more push ups every week and I met my goal for this week (7 push ups)
4. Lose the tummy! (I feel like I should have some goal measurements) - down 1 inch at my waist (down to 29 inches), no change on the chubby part!
5. Lose 10 lbs (get down to 127lbs. This ones a bit difficult as I don't have a scale in Seattle) - not sure, but I do feel slimmer!

My tentative exercise plan for this week:

Monday: Spinning
Tuesday: Gym - cross trainer and weights
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Gym - cross trainer and weights or Spinning
Friday: Gym - cross trainer, weights, running
Saturday: Hike with the YMCA
Sunday: Gym - cross trainer and weights

Fingers crossed it all goes well!


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